A blog about issues involving Tattoos and their removal.


5 main reasons for Tattoo Removal

by NUYU Laser Tattoo Removal People get tattoos for a number of reasons, including: to feel unique, express themselves artistically or even show their love for […]
Tattoo Woman

Risk of scarring with Laser tattoo removal.

One of the biggest concerns people have while researching laser tattoo removal is the risk of scarring. A key take away is the risk of scarring is minimal, but not zero. If you have any skin condition or any temporary or permanent immune system deficiency, you need to consult a Doctor before you undertake a laser tattoo removal procedure.

6 tips to choose the right Laser Tattoo Removal Studio

by NUYU Laser Tattoo Removal You stick firmly to your decision to go for a laser tattoo removal treatment! Right … where do you start? First […]
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